Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The big 2-0!!!

Yes, ladies and gentlemen..........I have reached a loss of 20 pounds this morning! I did the victory dance :-) I think my son will sum up my mood....

I guess I really need to set some goals and put them in writing. I didn't have a "set" goal but for some reason when I hit a 20 lbs mark, I feel incredible!! It is 1/3 of my total weight loss goal, which is wonderful! It's also a solid's ends in's all around a good number :-)

I keep telling myself, I know I could loose more weight if I exercised a LOT. I just don't have the desire to do it. I HATE exercising to be honest. HATE HATE HATE it. Before I got pregnant with our second child I was going to the YMCA about 3 times a week and really trying hard. I hated it. Everyone says, "find something you LIKE to do!" Ok, how about scrapbooking? I like that!?!? However, that doesn't make you loose weight.

Anyway, WAAHOO for me today!

This morning when I woke up, I felt good before my feet even hit the ground. I love days like these....when everything falls into place :-) Though I must admit that it's only 8:43am so there's a lot of day ahead! ha! I will say that I am one lucky person and I don't say it often enough. I have two incredible children and an awesome husband. He works so incredibly hard for me to be able to stay home with our children, and yet, tries very hard to find time to make "special" for all of us.

See, I told you I woke up in a good mood this morning :-)

Happy August 1st to you!


Shannon said...

Thanks Oinky. I appreciate it.

*ccc* said...

Way to go!

That's fabulous news. All hail round numbers and progress!

(And that's a great shot of the little man celebrating!)

dodo said...

Way to go, Shannon! Great news!
(& thanks for stopping by my blog, and commenting: a nice surprise)

dancer-in-me said...

Weigh to go! I am proud of you. And what a great fun picture of your son! He sure is having a lot of fun.:)

I haven't been around lately because of a family situation. I will be updating my blog at the end of the week to fill you in.

I, however, am dealing well with the stress and not bingeing. I have managed to maintain this week. Though it isn't a loss, it is a big accomplishment for me.

Lora said...

Good for you! We seem to have a similar story....I gained when my kids were born too (almost the same amount) and have close to the same goal weight as you. I haven't reached 20 pounds yet though *sigh*

Keep up the good work!

Shannon said...

You guys deserve a cheerleader award for being so supportive! Thanks a ton you guys!

And Lora, you WILL reach 20 pounds! There's NO OTHER OPTION (or at least that's all I keep telling myself! :-)

Naturally Blessed said...

wow!!! so happy for you! what an amazing feeling. your BMI is nearly out of the 30's that will make you just regular "overweight"!


Shannon said...

Lady T--Thanks! You are so funny...that's exactly what Oinky and I were talking about a while back. "Skinny people" must think we are crazy for being happy about being "overweight". It all depends on where you come from, doesn't it?!? :-)

Anonymous said...

"I keep telling myself I could lose more if I exercised a lot"... that's the kind of thinking that always made me go wrong. You have to remeber that this is a marathon, not a sprint. I know you want it off and you want it off now but burning yourself out and pushing yourself too hard is just as detrimental! You'll get there, in time. (and why haven't I read your blog before? hmmm)