Sunday, July 15, 2007

February 10, 2008

Seems like a really, really long time away, doesn't it? But so did 9 months when I was pregnant with my kids!!! HA! My point being this........if I keep up my average of loosing 1.5 pounds a week, in 30 weeks from right now, I'll be at my goal weight. My birthday is February 11, so happy birthday to me!!! :-)

You know, it sort of makes me want to get CRRRRRRRAZY with it and see if I could do it by Christmas. Hmmmmm.........I'm sure it's possible. Almost ANYTHING that's 'somewhat reasonable' is possible........but do I have the MOTIVATION. AHHHH....there's where the problem lies. Right now, my weight loss is almost completely controlled by food intake. I started out by going to the Y and working out and walking, etc. but it seems that with two kids who are mostly under my responsibility, it's just not that convenient to exercise. Isn't that terrible? It's not CONVENIENT. Good grief. I guess if it was "CONVENIENT" everyone would wear a size 2 and there would be no health issues in our world today.

So, there's my new thought for the beginning of this week.



jrb said...

I like the yellow! And about convenience....I remember you saying that the boy loved the Y and asked to go there. Maybe if you think of doing it for him and not you it would seem easier. We (moms) sometimes put our own needs last because its "convenient".

Shannon said...

JRB- Thanks for the compliment and thanks for noticing the blog color change. the red was annoying after a while. :-)

I agree with you about putting our own needs last a lot of the time. It's the easiest thing to 'bump' to the bottom of the list most of the time. Sometimes though (here comes the excuse haha) I just want to pick up my tennis shoes and walk out the door, not spend 30 minutes preparing the diaper bags, kids, then, my motivation is gone and I'm irritated. It is definitely something to work through. You are right, my son does like to go so I should take advantage of that.

*ccc* said...

Ah, convenience. Haven't we all been there?

I can't tell you how many times I have said to myself, "Exercise? I can't exercise. I don't have time to exercise. I have a demanding job, a husband, friends, a house to clean, bla bla bla.

Eventually though, we have to realize that yes, it's not easy to make time for ourselves, but we have to. Because we're not going to do our families, our friends, our husbands, our children any good if we're always tired, always cranky or worse.

Put yourself at the top of the list every once in a while. I'll try to do it too :)

Thanks for visiting my blog and for linking me and good luck as you continue your journey!!!!