Monday, July 16, 2007

Where do you STAND on water?

I have always struggled to drink plane-jane water. I don't really like it at all. Now, give me a little flavoring in my water, and BINGO, I'm great. The only time I have EVER craved water is when I have been out in the heat for extended periods of time, then I can drink nothing else. So, I have always struggled with the "8 glasses a day" thing. When I did weight watchers, they said try to drink 8 glasses (64 oz) of water/flavored water/tea in a given 24 hours. I just couldn't do it. I even posted about that a while back. It's just too much for me. HOWEVER, SparkPeople posted this article, which makes sense to me. Take a'll only take you 30 seconds...


Can other drinks such as diet sodas and herbal tea count towards my 8 glasses of water for the day?

The latest recommendations from the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Science, Dietary Reference Intake for Electrolytes and Water say (say that 5 times fast!!! haha) :

"The fluids consumed do not have to be only water (AMEN!!!). Individuals can obtain their fluids from a variety of beverages and foods. Contrary to popular opinion, consumers do not need to consume 'eight glasses of water a day' to meet their fluid needs."

However my own personal opinion, particularly for people trying to lose weight, is to encourage additional water intake whenever possible. I feel it helps to cleanse the body when weight loss and fat breakdown is occurring. I also know that it helps to keep the hands and mouth busy, so snacking is less. This is a form of behavior modification. I personally know that many people feel better when at least 4-6 glasses of plain old H2O is consumed to help meet total fluid needs.

Written by Becky Hand, Licensed & Registered Dietitian

I have no doubt that this is a controversy just like Global Warming, Religion and the next President of the US, but for now, I am just peachy with the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Science's statement.


*ccc* said...

Oh water, water, water...

I am only now starting to appreciate it in its plain cold state (It's the only thing I can tolerate drinking during and after a workout), but there are plenty of little tricks to getting it in there...

I love the little Crystal Lite packets you can toss in a bottle of water, and Dasani's flavored waters are straight from heaven.

But it is good to know every once in a while, if I can't get the water down, a Diet Coke can work in a pinch ;)

Shannon said...

CCC, Thanks for stopping by! I really enjoy your blog.

I haven't tried the Crystal Lite packs yet, though I have heard they are great. I'll check em out! My "fad" right now is Propel. Sometimes I just HAVE to have some flavor to what I'm drinking.

Thanks so much visiting! By the way, congrats on 26 pounds down! THAT, my dear, is AWESOME!!!