Sunday, July 8, 2007

Another pound dismissed

I don't know how it happened (ok, so I have an idea) but another pound has gotten up and left my big ol body and I'm very happy for it!


Then, we went out of town to my sister-in-laws for the 4th. Thankfully, they are really healthy eaters so there wasn't a lot of temptation there though we did go out to eat a couple of times. I ate a HUGE roll of doughy, garlicy, soft, gooey, BUTTERED bread and about fell out of my chair it tasted so good. I'm beginning to think I have a huge food addiction and didn't even know it! I'm telling you people, I could have eaten a dozen of those.....but I didn't. I hate one. I had the urge to eat another but I didn't. THANK YOU, ME!!

I also have realized I've gotten ok with portion control. We went to eat at the Cheesecake Factory and I was CRRRAVING some blue cheese I began my meal with a salad and blue cheese dressing. I was so hungry I inhaled the HUGE salad and only ate about 15 bites of my meal! It came home with us and my husband ate it for dinner. I did eat a little dessert, however, but I couldn't eat much of it. It was CRRRAZY rich. So, overall, I am proud how things are going so far. It's not a FAST weight loss but at least it's somewhat consistent.

Oh, I also wore my new bathing suit while I was in Georgia. I know I wasn't the thinnest and most attractive woman there, but at least I didn't feel like that woman on the yogurt commercial that tries to hide herself behind her float (with the song of, "Itsy Bitsy, Teeny Weeny, Yellow Polka Dot Bikini" in the background :-)

On a more serious note, I will say I have begun to have the shakes pretty frequently. Mostly in the mornings after I drink my coffee and haven't eaten breakfast but that's not the only time I get them. It got so bad this morning I almost couldn't hold my spoon to eat my cereal! It's gotten to the point that I think I'm going to make a dr's appt to see if I can figure out what the underlying issue is.....if anything. I'll keep you posted!

Happy Sunday!


Naturally Blessed said...

do you shake when you're really hungry...feel kind of weak and nauseas? if so, thats low blood sugar and you should eat something....if not then i'd see the doctor...thats doesnt sound good.

Shannon said...

Lady T,

That's EXACTLY what I feel like, however I'm not usually nauseous. I have read before that it's low blood sugar so I'm guessing that's exactly what it is, AND, eating something with some "umph" usually makes it go away in a short amount of time.

Thanks for the info AND checking in! I have been catching up on your blog over the past couple of days. I love how you are so true to yourself! Not a lot of that nowadays, it seems.