Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Whole Wheat Pasta, anyone?

DISGUSTING! I have tried it before and promised to give it a try again. I bought the angel hair pasta (Dodgon or something like that). I literally had to control my gag reflex when I took the first bite. I don't know what the issue is with it but I cannot stand it. I would rather go for the rest of my life without putting one piece of pasta in my body than to eat that stuff again. I have two boxes here at our house if anyone wants it!

I will say that my husband, who is ANTI anything diet, said it wasn't THAT bad so for you out there reading this and think you might want to try it.....TRY IT!!!! Just because my taste buds abhor it doesn't mean yours will! :-) And for those of you that like it.....hail to you!!

On a different note, my husband will be going out of town for 4 days which means I can eat whatever I want (diet wise of course) and not have to cook big meals!!! This will be good for me!


Last year, no no....two years ago, I bought me a bike in hopes that I would ride it! (great concept, right?!) Well, I got pregnant with our second child and needless to say, the bike has sat in our garage for 2 years. We also bought a bike trailer that goes on the back that looks like a miniature tent that kids can ride in. Well, last night, my 3 year old and I went to Wal Mart to buy a bike pump so now we are set and ready to go! Tonight, we cruised around the neighborhood for about 40 minutes. I did better than I thought I would especially with a 35 pd 3 year old in the "tent"! (Here's a generic pic. online I found of this "contraption")


Oinkstop said...

I actually like whole wheat pasta. But then I also like whole wheat bread better than white.

jrb said...

Oh no! I was hoping that the angel hair would be thin enough to disguise the wheat taste. What sauce did you have on it? Maybe give it ONE more chance and just drench it in (healthy of course) sauce??