Monday, May 14, 2007

Food on the Brain

One weird thing about my brain is this.........FOOD...WHEN CAN I HAVE IT?? WHAT CAN I HAVE?? HOW MUCH?? It's really crazy. It's like it's on my mind 100% of the time. It's also like I think ahead, "I'm not going to be full, therefore I'll be hungry."

I HATE being hungry so I guess that explains why I feel this way, though I still think it's very strange to be so preoccupied with food consumption. I remember when I was in college sometimes I would literally forget to eat and begin to wonder why I was feeling so badly. I wish I could get that back somehow!


I went to the Y this morning to walk. (35 min. @ 3.0) I really, really enjoy these TV's! It seriously takes your mind off of exercising and on to whatever you are watching. If I could get a treadmill in our home that was okay, I could walk two hours which is the time it takes to get ready, go to the Y, walk and get home. AND, I wouldn't have to watch commercials :-) (yes I am addicted to TiVo).

Today's food diary:

1 cup Kashi Mighty bites, dry (in the car)
coffee w/ creamer & splenda

(went to walk & got hungry afterward!!)

1 cup Kashi Go Lean w/few blue berries & craisins
1 cup FF milk

Lean Cuisine Sweet & Sour Chicken
pretzels w/very little honey mustard to dip

1/2 tuna sandwich
1/2 apple
kidney beans w/a little relish

2 Dt. drinks
2 bottles of water


Oinkstop said...

Since you stopped by my blog, I thought I'd cruise by and visit yours. Boy, I really do relate to the obsession about food.

Before I was dieting, I usually didn't think about the next meal until it was time to eat it. Now I find myself eating breakfast and then counting down until lunch, and then counting down again until dinner.

Even when I'm not hungry, I'm obsessing over my food diary, counting and re-counting calories, wondering how long it will be until I can eat next.

Hopefully, this obsession will fade with time.

Oh, and BTW, I answered your question about prayer on my blog.

Shannon said...

Boy am I with you about this! I wonder how many others do this?? I guess I'll find out along the way!