Saturday, May 26, 2007

Down Another!

As of this morning, the scale was cooperating with me and said I was down another pound! YEAH! I truly wasn't expecting that since I have not been to the Y in several days because of the kids being sick. I HAVE been riding the bike and walking but I have no way of keeping up with calories, time, etc. I know I burned something cleaning yesterday :-) Who knows how all that works anyway.

Which brings me to another point...

THEY...whoever THEY are.....say that if you eat less calories than your body burns, you lose weight. Well, come on people, do ANY of you really know how many calories your body burns in a day? Walking to the car...taking a shower, vacuuming, opening the fridge, changing a diaper, doing laundry?? Anyway, you get my point. I understand to keep the calories down and exercise, it just annoys me when I hear vague statements like that.

I just recalculated my BMI (over on the left) and figured out that when I get to 179 pds. I will only be "OVERWEIGHT" as opposed to "OBESE". Just like Oinkstop was saying in an earlier past of hers, who knew one would be happy to say, "YEA!! I"M OVERWEIGHT!"

HAHA!! he hem...OK, maybe I'm the only one finding that funny. There HAS to be humor in this somewhere, right?!?

1 comment:

Oinkstop said...

Congratulations on your 1 pound loss. Good for you.

The reason that I don't really discuss my weight-loss plans, goals, etc. with most of my friends and family is that nobody really understands what it's like. People don't understand why someone would be happy to be obese (down from morbidly obese) and think that's an achievement.

Most of the skinny people in my family just quietly wonder, "Ugh, how could that person let themselves get so large in the first place?"