Thursday, May 10, 2007

1 for 1!

Well, dinner last night passed the CLAYTON TEST! :-) EXCELLENT!! The casserole was very tasty, I have to admit. It took a little bit longer to fix than "instant" food but it was very good. Not to mention it passed the CLAYTON test :-) That's big people...that's big! (recipe in the post below if you are interested)

Weight in this morning: 197 (hmmm...down a pound! Cannot beat that!)

Thoughts of the day:

I feel so incredibly motivated it's nuts. However, I know this is the 'norm' for me. I begin with lots of "gusto" but before long the gusto is gone. So, now I'm on a war-path to figure out how to keep the gusto gusting :-) There's a small seed deep inside of me that wants to be a runner. A REAL runner. One who runs marathons. Those people are amazing to me. I tried running when I was in college just because the guy I was dating at the time was a health nut and wanted me to. I didn't care much for it and gave it about 1/2 the 'umph' I should have. But now, I see the discipline it takes and what it can do for your body and....don't laugh at this one....but running all of the time allows you a little more liberty with eating things that are....well, not quite so good for you. Because you burn so many calories running (assuming you run almost every day) a "once-in-a-while" goodie wouldn't kill you. I'm not a dessert person but once in a blue moon a HUGE chocolate fudge brownie with chocolate syrup is just amazing!

Another point:

I want our children to be healthy. I want them to WANT to run and play and have fun. I WANT them to be sports people. I WANT them to love exercising and eating right. Why? Just like the "Dave Ramsey financial philosophy" I want to change my family tree. I want to pass the baton on to them to live a healthy life so when they get older and have their own family they won't have obesity issues like most of our society has today.

Downer for yesterday:

Last night after I got both kids in bed, I saw Clayton get a carton of ice cream out of the freezer. Did I want some? Actually, no. So what's the problem you ask? I want him to be as motivated as I am about loosing weight. I want a partner in loosing weight so I'm not doing this alone in my house. That's a lot to wish for, I know but hey, you can always wish....right?? Maybe one day.

Food Diary:

Coffee w/ creamer & splenda
1 1/2 cups Kashi Mighty bites w/ FF milk

Kashi Sweet and Sour Chicken frozen entree (It was actually pretty good!! Except for the green beans, they were pretty nasty.)
handful of pretzels
10 salted almonds
3.5 grams of fat

Dt. Mt. Dew
1/2 bottle water
Getting rid of temptation.... (Clayton brought these home last week)
Take a guess how many fat grams are in one of these babies?? TWENTY-SIX!! 660 calories, too! Whew....a happy goodbye to you!
Left overs from last night
chicken casserole & salad
small handful of pretzels
Dt. Pepsi
1 bottle of water
5 caramel flavored rice cakes (small bite size)


jrb said...

YEAH!! for passing the Clayton test! I wouldn't worry about the ice cream. This will be a win-win situation for you. Since you do the grocery shopping then you don't buy the ice cream. And then it's not in the house and he doesn't eat it. Oh....what's that? What if HE gets frustrated and goes to the store for ice cream, cookies, treats, etc? Well then you've tricked your husband into grocery shopping. Hooray for you!!

Shannon said...

You are right...I won't buy it!! He does make stops on the way home sometimes which is how the chocolate chip cookies, ice cream, cakes, cinnamon buns, pies, etc. get into this house!