Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Which is better? Naked or swim suit?

Not a whole lot to post. I'm still cruising along with this diet thing. I have found that I am a much pickier eater than I originally thought. There are certain things that I just cannot eat and it really limits what I can make/fix for meals. I cannot/will not eat:

green or red peppers
whole wheat pasta of any sort
slimy tomatoes (any tomato that is not firm I will not eat)
fat free cheese
peas of any kind

I have also discovered that I really love Lean Cuisine pizzas. So much so that I have eaten them just about every day for lunch!

On an exercise note, I have ridden my bike with both kids in tow AND walked almost every evening. Clayton is back and I am a very happy camper! :-)

My weight is still at 193. I keep hoping for that 192 sometime this week. My next goal is the 180's :-) My daughter's 1 st birthday is in three and a half weeks........I want someone to say, "you look like you have lost weight." NO ONE in my family knows I'm in the process of loosing weight. It should be interesting. Honestly, I'm not sure what I will say in response to a comment. I'll have to play that by ear.

You know what I want? I want to be one of those people that goes running in the morning. I WANT to be one of those people that says, "Hey, let's go for a run." AND MEAN IT! Not to mention being able to do it....I want to be one of those people that can jump up a flight of steps and not be winded. I want to be comfortable in a bathing suit again. I have two kids that I know would LOVE to be at the pool and I just cringe at the thought of it right now. I'm not sure I would feel much worse if someone said I had to go naked!!! Isn't that awful to feel that way about the way you look??? Crazy....

So, my motivation is know that this process can help me turn in to this person I really WANT to be rather than the person that I am today.


Oinkstop said...

Which is better? Naked of course. It's free, and you don't have to worry about your swim suit being too small or too big.

Best, you don't have to worry if it makes you look fat.

Shannon said...

HA! You are so funny! Oh how I long for the days to wear a bathing suit and not think twice about walking around in front of others. Heck, I long for the day of walking around in my skivvies in front of my HUSBAND without feeling awkward! THAT is sad, but OHHHH so true!

Naturally Blessed said...

well, if i had to choose i would go with the swimsuit....bc that would keep the breast from bouncing about too much.

i do not like peppers much either....nor do i like fat free cheese...or any fat free dairy. dairy by its nature is fatty...eating it without fat does not make for a tasty dairy product.

i don’t like tomatoes of any kind...whether they are firm or soft. in order to eat them they much be in spaghetti sauce or salsa.