Sunday, June 3, 2007

THANK YOU 192!!!

Yes, I have met 192 again :-) I say again, I guess the last time I saw that number was during my daughter's pregnancy. She turns a year old in less than three weeks :-)

I was thinking today about goals. It's nice to have little goals along a HUGE journey. For me, it's so I can break up the BIG goal into "bite sized chunks". I don't know what my "chunks" are yet. How are you guys doing it? 5 pds at a time? Certain weight marks? (for instance, when I reach "x" weight, I will *fill in the blank*).

Right now I think my first goal is to hit the 180's. Do you have REWARDS of sorts for each goal you reach?

As I was getting dressed for church I realized my BRAND NEW pants I bought from Lan.e Br.yant were really big. Two weeks ago they fit great. It's nice to see a difference in clothing, but then that negative feeling of, "I'm going to have to spend a lot of money on new clothes pretty soon." hits me. I guess it wouldn't be so bad if each penny wasn't having to be watched. I LOVE buying new clothes though. I guess we'll have to figure something out. You can only wear clothes that are too big for a short time before you begin looking really frumpy!! HA!

I rode my bike, went swimming with the kids and walked the dog today. Not bad for me!


Oinkstop said...

Congratulations on the loss!

As far as your soon-to-be-too-big pants, think two words: "thrift store."

Naturally Blessed said...

Kudos!!! so happy to here that. what a nice put on something that used to fit and realize that it is a bit big or way to big now. i can NOT wait for this feeling! seriously!

i put on my jean capris this morning...i think they are looser...but i am not sure. i can't tell! they have so much cursed spandex in them...ugh!

though my capris from yesterday were all cotton, and there might have been a minute change in them. they do not seem to grip the thigh as they once did.....dang it! where is that measuring tape?!?!

i'm may be losing inches and they are not being recorded!